Spring in West Virginia
Dates: April 28 - May 2, 2010
Leaders: David Muse and David Middleton
Location: Davis, WV
Cost: $995
About the Workshop
"Wild and Wonderful" is the state slogan for West Virginia. Once you visit this state, you will discover their slogan could easily have been "majestic and magnificent."
Our workshop takes place near Davis, West Virginia at the Canaan Valley Resort and Conference Center. From Canaan Valley we are within an hourâs drive of the wide vistas of the high, wind-swept plateau of the Dolly Sods Wilderness; stunning views of the breathtaking Allegheny Mountains from atop Spruce Knob, WVâs highest elevation; rocky outcroppings above and along the Blackwater River gorge; several waterfalls and stony cascades; rural landscapes; spring wildflowers; Monongahela National Forest; fog and wetlands; insects and other critters; sunrises; and so much more. You will discover that West Virginiaâs Grant, Pendleton and Tucker Counties are a dream come true for landscape and nature photographers.
I find spring is a wonderful time to photograph West Virginiaâs Panhandle area. The temperatures are mild, wildflowers are in blossom, waterfalls plunge and tumble at full volume, birds and insects are plentiful, and fog often lends an ethereal element to farm scenes and wetland areas. Over the past several years, I have explored and photographed the WV Panhandle and Western Maryland each spring and fall, guided groups and individuals through the area, and written about photographing there. Past participants have kindly said that I am an informed and patient teacher whose enthusiasm for photography is contagious.
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