From that little lesson the mathematician in me learned that out of every 120 or so exposuers I would get something great. Well with digital it is more now, largely because I experiment more, pixels are cheap. The real nugget Dad was getting at is, you have to practice. Do you think that {insert favorite music artist here} just walked on stage and started to perform at the top of their game? Did {insert favorite sports star} learned to move that well in one day? Of course not. They practiced and they practiced alot. As a photographer you have to practice and you have to learn the tools of your craft.
I find that I shoot on average2 to 5 thousand image a month. That's right I said 2000-5000 images a month, and did I mention that is just the practice ones. Not the ones I am asked to go take for someone. I might leave a soccer match with between 250-1000 images on my cards. A lot depends on the action of the game and the conditions and if I am getting what I want. Now asked me how many I keep. Go ahead...ask me? That's right out of a single soccer game with lets say 500 images I may only keep 100 or less.
To that end starting tomorrow on 7/1 I will post an image a day for the entire month of July. I am not going to shoot cutes themes. I am simply going to take my camera with me when I go about my day and I when an image is found I will take it. I hop you enjoy the images and I hope that they reinforce my point. If you want to be good at something do it alot.
'till next time keep the shutter click'n!
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